TikTok is getting banned

Let's talk about the elephant in the room.

Let’s just talk about the elephant in the room. 

You’ll have seen the buzz. It’s hard to miss. It’s game over. Or is it?

A TikTok ban in the US is back on the cards, again.

The politicians won’t let it go. They’re like a dog with a bone. 

And I get why you’re feeling some type of way about it. 

You’ve seen how much creators like Abbey are making everyday on TikTok Shop. Creators just like you are bringing in thousands of dollars in commission in their sleep, and you want a piece too.

Maybe you’ve been building your account to hit 5,000 followers and unlock the money-printing machine that is TikTok Shop.

But, you’re not there yet.

Or, you’re already in and you’re putting out content left, right and center to see what hits the right notes. 

But, no viral hits yet.

And now, it might get banned? If you’re asking “What’s the point in even trying?” you won’t be alone. But the answer is simple.

The point is money. And a lot of it. 

We don’t talk politics at Brands Meet Creators, we don’t need to. 

But, we’re not worried about a ban, and you shouldn’t be either. 

Attention will shift from platform to platform over time, ban or no ban. That’s normal. Creators adapt. You’ll adapt.

Instead of worrying about a ban, you should worry about controlling your controllables.

You can’t control an audience. You can’t control the algorithm. You can’t control a ban that hasn’t happened yet.

You can only control what you do. 

If anything, this is your push to do more. Go even harder on TikTok Shop right now.

Abbey made over $50,000 in just a few days from a 32 second video on a new account. 

It wasn’t an obscure brand or out-there product. It was Tarte. A product she already had. 

Ashley made $12,000 in two weeks from her third video she ever posted. 

Think of how many viral videos you might miss out on if you let something that hasn’t even happened stop you. 

TikTok isn’t changing anytime soon. 

Don’t pull yourself out of the race before you even start running.

Join the TikTok Shop Games and the 500+ other creators changing their lives, one sale at a time. 

To your success,

The Brands Meet Creators Team

P.S. Ready to up your game? The Academy is waiting for you.