TikTok Shop or UGC?

I don't have time to start TikTok shop

“But Mike, I don’t have time to start TikTok shop — I’m trying to grow my UGC business”

This is something Stacey brought up during one of our Academy calls this week. 

“I’ll start once my UGC income is consistent…”

But Stacey was missing a trick with that mindset. And you might be too. Here’s why.

The 4 minute mile. 

Long story short, no one had ever run a 4 minute mile before in history. 

Runners tried for years, and they got close, but no-one could ever get it over the line.

Then someone did. Roger Bannister.

And as soon as Roger ran that 4 minute mile, the flood gates opened.

Suddenly, everyone was doing it.  People could see that it was possible. The glass ceiling was gone. 

The same glass ceiling exists for brands too. But less running, more revenue.

When you pitch UGC, each brand has their own idea about how successful (or not so successful) it could be.

Maybe they’ve never tried UGC before. 

Maybe they’ve been burned by bad creators in the past. 

Ultimately, they’ve never run a 4 minute mile. They don’t even think it’s possible.

Until you tell them that you helped brand X, brand Y and brand Z do exactly that.

Suddenly, the glass ceiling is cracking. If you can do it for those brands, maybe you could do it for them too…

Getting a case study is the #1 thing you can do for your UGC business.

At the end of the day, brands don’t want content. They want sales. They want $$$.

If you can show that your content generates sales and leads to $$$, your pitch becomes a home-run.

But here’s the problem.

Brands don’t always want to give you cold hard figures for your case studies.

Or, the cold hard figures you do get, might not be good. 

What if you could have complete control over your own case studies? 

Real time access to analytics. Exact revenue generated. Conversation rates.

Enter, TikTok shop.

‘But Mike, I don’t have time to start TikTok shop — I’m trying to grow my UGC business’.

Trust me when I say TTS will grow your UGC business. 

Every post has the potential to become your next case study.

Consider this. Abbey had a viral TikTok last month. Yes, she made a killing in commissions, but she also took her UGC pitch to a whole new level.

Sold? We would be.

And this video wasn’t a fluke.

It’s not uncommon to see TikTok Shop creators hitting incredible numbers — it’s why we’re going all in. 

TikTok wants TikTok shop to be successful.

They are incentivized to help you sell more, and this means it’s easier to generate big numbers than on any other platform.

Bigger numbers means better case studies. Time to get some. 

To your success,

The Team @ Brands Meet Creators

P.S Our Academy has been going CRAZY on TikTok Shop lately. If you’re serious about scaling your income, you need to be in there.