6 products going crazy on TikTok Shop

The #1 determining factor of success on TikTok Shop is…

Product selection.

You absolutely must select the right products for your videos...

And here are 6 products that I’ve got my eye on (a few of these are already making creators 10’s of thousands of dollars per month!):

And if you’re interested, you can add some of these products to your showcase here (must be on mobile).

If you add any of these to your showcase we will send you the product as a sample! (you need to request a sample for SnowyCare individually)

Check out the rules and more info on the TikTok Shop Games here.

To your success,
The Brands Meet Creators Team

P.P.S. We’re now updating the TikTok Shop Games Leaderboard daily. The first place winner each month will win a free ticket to our in-person mastermind in San Diego late July!